
Lamp Georges is a true inspiration. From humble beginnings as a street vendor in his home country of Haiti, he has risen to become a successful entrepreneur, with a thriving importing and exporting business that operates in both Haiti and the United States. In this article, we will explore the incredible journey of Lamp Georges, tracing his path from his early days as a struggling young vendor to the heights of success he has achieved today.

Early Life and Career

Lamp Georges was born in a small village in Haiti, where he spent his childhood years. After completing his education, he decided to strike out on his own and try to make a living for himself. At first, he struggled to find work, and eventually he turned to street vending as a way to support himself.

For years, Georges sold various goods, including fresh produce and clothing, on the streets of Port-au-Prince. It was a tough way to make a living, and Georges often had to work long hours just to make enough money to survive. But he never gave up, and he continued to work hard and save as much money as he could.

Starting His Business

After years of selling goods on the street, Georges finally saw an opportunity to start his own business. He noticed that many businesses in Haiti were struggling to obtain the goods and merchandise they needed, and he realized that he could fill this gap in the market by importing goods from other countries and selling them to these businesses.

With the money he had saved from his street vending, Georges began importing goods from the United States and other countries. He quickly built up a reputation as a reliable supplier, and word of his business spread quickly. Soon, Georges was doing brisk business, and his import/export business became one of the most successful in Haiti.

Expanding to the United States

As his business grew, Georges began to look for new markets to explore. He saw an opportunity to expand his business to the United States, where there was a huge demand for goods from Haiti and other countries in the region. In the early 2000s, he set up a small office in Miami and began to import goods from Haiti and other Caribbean countries to the United States.

At first, the business was slow to take off, but Georges persevered. He worked tirelessly to build up his contacts and his reputation in the industry, and eventually, his efforts paid off. Today, his importing and exporting business operates in both Haiti and the United States, and it has become one of the most successful businesses in the region.


Lamp Georges is a true inspiration to anyone who aspires to achieve success in business. From his early days as a street vendor, he has shown incredible resilience and determination, never giving up in the face of adversity. His journey to success has been long and challenging, but it has also been incredibly rewarding. Today, Georges is a leading figure in the Haitian business community, and his business is a testament to what can be achieved through hard work, dedication, and a willingness to take risks.

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